175 North Harvard Street Building to be Dismantled Beginning the Second Week of October 2023

Dear Neighbors:

As you are aware, Harvard University contractors began work at the Harvard-owned building at 175 North Harvard Street in July 2023 in preparation for the demolition of the building to make way for future construction on this site. Harvard University has proposed a new home for the American Repertory Theater (ART) and a new Harvard University Affiliate Housing building for Harvard graduate students and affiliates at the 175 North Harvard Street location. For more information on this proposal, please visit: https://www.bostonplans.org/projects/development-projects/175-north-harvard-street.

The work on site for the remainder of September and early October consists of utility work, soil pre-loading, interior demolition and abatement, selective exterior brick removal, and debris removal. The upcoming demolition phase of this project, which is scheduled to begin during the second week of October, will include the full dismantling and removal of the existing building. After demolition is complete in November, neighbors can expect a steady stream of activity on site as utility work will be taking place once the demolition and debris removal process is complete.

Schedule Information:

  • Building demolition will take place in October and November 2023.
  • Excavation for select utilities will begin in October concurrent with demolition and will continue through early 2024.
  • Project work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Some Saturday work may be necessary as permitted by the City of Boston also from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Community Impacts:

  • In addition to the presence of work crews on site, neighbors can anticipate that the work between 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. will generate some perceptible noise due to the construction equipment necessary to dismantle the building in October and November.
  • The secure, six-foot fence with scrim and jersey barriers will remain around the perimeter of the property to include the parking lane in front of the building on North Harvard Street.
  • A walkway has been created with jersey barriers along the front of 175 North Harvard Street to maintain safe pedestrian access.
  • The Blue Bikes and MBTA stations have been relocated down the street to the Harvard track side of South Campus Drive.
  • Sidewalks and walkways adjacent to the work site are well marked with signage to protect pedestrians and ensure their safety.
  • Utility work along a section of South Campus drive will require a temporary diversion road which will modify vehicular traffic routes and pedestrian crossings. This diversion road will be present from October through December. 
  • Pedestrian and vehicle access will continue to be available around the site on Ivy Lane and South Campus Drive throughout the project. Pedestrian and vehicular travel routes may be modified during the course of the work and will be indicated with site signage.

Mitigation Efforts

  • Dust, noise, and vibration monitors are positioned around the work site and are continually checked by third-party engineers to ensure construction activities remain within safe and acceptable levels.  This will continue throughout the demolition process.
  • A pest control treatment program has been implemented on the job site and the site is regularly monitored by a professional pest control company.
  • The contractor will continue to employ dust mitigation efforts, including wheel wash stations, use of wetting agents, and trucks removing debris from the site are required to be covered.
  • A significant effort is being made to minimize the noise impact of the project’s construction activities, including, where feasible, choosing construction techniques that produce less noise.
  • Contractors and trades are parking in a designated area to ensure that they do not park in the neighborhoods.
  • Approved truck routes are being enforced to keep trucks and deliveries out of residential areas.
  • Police details are requested to assist with general worksite logistics.

Any questions related to the work at 175 North Harvard Street can be directed to the Harvard University Construction Mitigation team at (617) 496-0857 or mitigation@csl-consulting.com. Project updates will be provided at construction.harvard.edu.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this project.


Harvard University Construction Mitigation