175 North Harvard Street Project Construction Impacts Update
• The pavers on Ivy Lane have been replaced and the area has been re-opened.
• The contractor finished removing the former building’s foundation last week, along with the abatement of regulated materials. A third-party environmental consultant was on-site to ensure the work was done in compliance with MassDEP regulations.
• Sitework demolition will continue until mid-December. Next week, crews will be grading the site down to the proper elevation, and removing existing tree stubs as well as asphalt and sidewalks.
• Project enabling activities will continue this month and through January followed by the anticipated start of building construction. These activities include pile driving and vibrating sheet piles into the ground in preparation for building construction.
o Pile driving work began on Friday, November 17. This work is being monitored for noise and vibration, and is expected to be complete next week.
o The following week, work will begin to install sheet piles using a vibratory hammer. This work will include soil excavation and is expected to take approximately four to six weeks.
o Please note that these types of activities, while safe, do generate noise and may also generate some perceptible vibrations during regular work hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
• Third-party engineers continue to monitor the dust, noise, and vibration monitors that have been positioned around the work site to ensure construction activities remain within safe and acceptable levels.
• Sub-surface drainage installation on South Campus Drive is nearing completion. The contractor is targeting mid-December to have South Campus Drive re-paved and back to its original configuration.
• Piping installation work will be ongoing with anticipated completion planned for late December 2023.
• The project’s regular work hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Some work on Saturdays may be necessary as permitted by the City of Boston also from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.