Crews continue work on the Western Avenue utility crossing which involved temporarily relocating a section of Kresge Way in July. Pedestrian and vehicular shifts on Western Avenue to accommodate underground utility trenches and work zones are in place. The work will continue into spring 2023 and is being coordinated with University operations.
Kresge Way Temporary Relocation
As part of Harvard’s infrastructure improvements in Allston, the University is extending thermal piping and electrical/telecommunications duct banks from the District Energy Facility across Western Avenue to Kresge Way, the main driveway into the HBS campus. An interim drive further west off Western Avenue has replaced the original drive.
Western Avenue Utility Crossing
Work for the utility crossing at Western Avenue will allow for expansion of the Harvard’s Allston energy infrastructure and is expected to be complete in the spring. Supporting vehicular, cycling and pedestrian flow, a phased approach is being used to install hot water and chilled water supply and return piping, telecommunications and electrical duct banks across the width of Western Ave. The construction activity consists of six phases to excavate trenches the width of Western Avenue. Only a third of the roadway is a construction zone allowing for two, open vehicular traffic lanes at all times, one in each direction.
- A detailed traffic management plan is in place always maintaining two lanes of traffic.
- Pedestrians will shift on Thursday, December 22, to the Harvard Business School sidewalk while crews finish backfilling the eastern trench and begin excavation on the western trench on the south side of Western Avenue along the ERC site.
- The work zone will switch to the southern side of Western Avenue for the next few weeks while crews install chilled water pipes and duct banks.
- Abutters can anticipate intermittent noise during excavation including use of a vacuum truck.
- Appropriate signage and police details or workers will be in place to provide guidance to pedestrians and vehicles. Work is scheduled to take place in close coordination with Harvard Business School/Housing/Transportation operations.
- During project hours Monday through Friday from 7AM to 3PM (at times may extend to 6PM), the work will generate noise due to the presence of work crews and the use of construction equipment.
DEF Thermal and Utility Installation
- The interim DEF access drive behind the construction fence at the Enterprise Research Campus (ERC) has opened up and will be widened in a couple of weeks.
- All are working in coordination with National Resilience.
- Other utility work including a large drainage pipe installation (NASDEP) continues inside the ERC site.
South Campus Drive Utility Work
A South Campus Drive diversion temporary roadway has opened while crews install utilities (thermal and ductbank) near the McCurdy Track. Vehicular, cycling and pedestrian traffic has shifted from the new work zone and will be maintained throughout the work activity into spring 2023.
- Excavation work is underway for the thermal pipe installation in the work zone behind the construction fencing. Pipe fusion will take place to prepare for installation.
- The work will generate intermittent noise due to the presence of work crews and the use of construction equipment including excavators, and a possible vacuum truck needed to perform this work.
- Work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7AM to 3PM with intermittent coordinated Saturday work.
175 North Harvard Street
- Soil probing tests will be underway on Thursday, January 5, in five locations on the building grounds to prepare for future construction.
- A truck-sized rig will be on site and will make some construction noise.
- Access will be maintained to all walkways and building entrances.